Just before the opening of the show in Deventer of the Dutch Quiltersgilde a lot of things have to be done. Many volunteers are busy organizing, collecting, hanging the quilts and getting the shops ready for the famous "winkelroute". Around 30 to 40 shops in the city center have a quilt on display in their window. So walking through Deventer is a quilt show on its own. But you still need to come to the Big Church to see the 300 quilts that have been chosen by the selection committee. This years theme is : Connection.
the big church is where the show will be held |
Deventer is a beautiful city. And to make it even more special: you can park your car at the other side of the river IJssel and take the little ferry. It runs until 11 pm so there is still time to have diner after the show in one of the restaurants in town.
poster quilt of the Algemene Tentoonstelling |
Hopefully it will be very busy with visitors and the Quiltersgilde will get lots of new members.
So for me as a new prospective board member these are busy times. Not much time to quilt lately, but I will take a little handwork with me to Deventer....
Happy sewing,