30 september 2013

DJ 2

Finally got my fabrics sorted out and finished block 2 of DJ.
Block 2: F7

Block 1: G7
Inspired by Jeltje from quiltshop 100 rozen I will use all the Kaffe Fasset fabrics I collected during the last 10 years for this mega project......

To be continued........

Happy quilting!!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Your DJ is going to look great with all Kaffe Fasset fabrics. Your first two blocks are gorgeous and I can't wait see more.

  2. Your DJ is going to look great with all Kaffe Fasset fabrics. Your first two blocks are gorgeous and I can't wait see more.

  3. Wow, you are doing what I was thinking and it looks great...

  4. Wow!
    looks great! Quite a job though.....Succes!

  5. Kaffe Fasset fabrics are just perfect for a DJ, your first blocks are beautiful,
    Good luck on your DJ journey!

  6. Nice to see your work on a Dear Kaffe. The story about Dear Kaffe is in Quilt & Zo from nov/dec 2013. Making this quilt is very good to improve skills.
