01 februari 2013

I have been very productive....

Last week was a week of catching up with old friends. It was great to see so many people who mean a lot to me, because I have fond memories of things we did together: gardening, visiting museums, quilting, cooking, drinking coffee or having lunch.... Did I promise to come back next year? I think I did......

At the end of my visit I spend a long weekend with 62 other women and 1 man. With only sewing on our minds and it was wonderful!! What a lot you can achieve if you don't have to clean, cook and grocery shop!!
Look at the blocks I made for my barn quilt. The barns will still get some animals appliquéd on the grass.

Barn on the hill Block

Dutch barn with open door
Dora's Delight block

Farmer's Daughter Block

my 'production' of the weekend

Happy sewing,

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I hope you are over your jet lag (I read it on FB). Great to hear that you had a terrific time in the US and I love the projects you've been working on. You really did well.

  2. It sure sounds like you have had a super time in Chicago. Love your quilt. It is good to be with friends, no matter where in the world they are.

  3. Oh, I only read your blog almost a week later... shame on me! Good the hear you had a great trip to your dear friends in Chicago! My gosh, you did a lot of stuff for your barn quilt!
