21 augustus 2012

Fabric painting in Koekange

Early August I spent two days with Hilde playing with paint and fabric. It was lots of fun and the teachers were excellent. The atmosphere was great, the food and wine the best. All in all the perfect little holiday we wished for.

colors brewing

tired from rinsing all the fabric

color circle fabric drying

preparing the silkscreens

drying the silkscreens

my sperm fabric print

silkscreen prints drying 

Thank you for the great workshop and good company Jobina and Janny!!

Happy quilting,

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Jeetje, het lijkt alweer zo lang geleden! Heerlijk om weer even terug te zijn in Koekange met deze fotos! Wanneer mogen we weer? xxx

  2. You've created lovely fabric! What a fun way to spend a couple of days with a good friend!

  3. Oh that looked like lots of fun with amazing results. Great to see you both having so much fun together, how special. Come visit! Best Regards Heather
